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mixed doubles 【球賽】(每隊一男一女的)混合雙打。

mixed foursome

In algorithms , classification algorithms are divided into two cases : one for known statistical distribution model and the other for unknown statistical distribution model . four classification algorithms , the bata - prime statistic model fusing quadratic gamma classifier , based on sar image rcs reconstruction and space position mode , on the mixed double hint layers rbfn ( mdhrbfn ) model and on the self - adapt fuzzy rbfn ( afrbfn ) model , are derived . the problems , including how to further improving the class ratio of the bayes decision , decreasing the dependence on the statistical model and directly providing the adapted algorithm with samples , are solved 提出了基于徑向基函數神經網絡( rbfn )的雙隱層混合網絡( mdhrbfn )模型,解決了標準神經網絡在具體sar圖像地物分類中分類類別數目不夠和分類精度差的問題;提出了基于模糊推理系統的自適應模糊rbfn分類( afrbfn )模型,兼顧通用性與精確性,增強人機交互能力,進一步提高了算法分類率。

In “ traditional “ ( i . e . , up - and - back ) mixed doubles rallies the woman darts to and fro along the short service line , trying to cut off cross - court drives and half - courts , while her male partner plays behind her , trying to make the opponents lift the shuttle so that she can put it away 在傳統的(前后站位)混雙組合中,女選手主要在發球線附近來回的跑動,試圖去截殺斜線或者半場高球,男選手站在她的身后,試圖讓對方把球挑起來以便她能夠更好的處理掉這個球。

Peaceful wave yong xinguang learns inc . to be hong kong always the professional production manufacturer of the optical microscope of new company subordinate and of all kinds and optical component , for national level company of new and high technology is mixed double concentrated model enterprise 寧波永新光學股份有限公司為香港永新企業下屬的光學顯微鏡及各類光學元件的專業制造廠家,為國家級高新技術企業和雙密集型企業。

This is essentially the defensive formation in classic mixed doubles , with the woman close to the short service line but cross - court away from the opposing shuttle , and the man to one side of the center line on the same side of the court the shuttle is on 前后站位是混雙比賽的基本站位,女選手盡量靠近發球線,但是自己斜線區域要遠離對方的來球,男選手的站位應該是在中間,而且面對來球的直線方向。

Though a relatively small convention - - convention on choice of court agreements has been passed by the 20th hague confenrence on pil , yet this does not contradict with the research and drafting of the current mixed double convention 盡管在2005年第20屆海牙國際私法外交會議上通過了妥協性的小公約? ? 《法院選擇協議公約》 ,但這與繼續進行的大公約草案的研究與制定并無矛盾。

Champion in the men s doubles , first runner - up in the ladies singles , second runner - up in the mixed doubles , and second runner - up in the men s team , at the 10th national universities badminton championship in 2006 于二零零六年舉辦的第十屆全國大學生羽毛球錦標賽獲男子雙打冠軍,女子單打亞軍,混合雙打季軍及男子團體季軍中大男子和女子手球

Showing breathtaking style and sparkling shot selection , ninth seeds andy ram and vera zvonareva captured their first ever mixed doubles grand slam title with a stunning straight sets victory over american duo bob bryan and venus williams 9號種子拉姆/茲沃那烈娃直落兩盤擊敗布萊恩/大威,贏得他們合作的首個大滿貫混雙冠軍。

On february 26 , dujiangyan lafarge cement co . ltd . participated in the 2006 first aviva - cofco life insurance tournament . du jiangyan won the running - ups in woman ' s single and mixed doubles finally 2月26日,都江堰拉法基水泥有限公司參加了2006首屆”中英人壽”杯羽毛球企業聯誼賽。最后公司獲得了女單亞軍和男女混雙亞軍。

Mixed doubles can be no fun for the woman if her team clears , because she is in danger of being hit in the face from the opposing man ' s smash 混雙比賽對于女選手來說,并不是一件有趣的事情,因為她隨時會被對方男選手的來球擊中面部。

There are men ' s singles , men ' s doubles , men ' s team , women ' s singles , women ' s doubles , women ' s team and mixed doubles 有男子單打、男子雙打、男子團體、女子單打、女子雙打、女子團體和混合雙打。

Ng wei won the men s singles ng wei ; li wing - mui and njoto albertus susanto won the mixed doubles 王晨及吳蔚分別奪得一面女單金牌及一面男單銅牌。李詠梅及楊禮豐則奪得一面混雙銅牌。

Max : that will be even better . we can play in mixed doubles 那就更好了。我們可以玩混合雙打。